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Women of Wonder Fight Against Breast Cancer

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

After my great aunt and grandmother were diagnosed with breast cancer, I thought I was powerless to help in their fight against this brutal disease. I could not believe that a quarter of a MILLION women are newly diagnosed with breast cancer every year! Effective screening through mammograms can lead to an earlier diagnosis and successful treatment yielding much higher survival rates. In addition, funding for genetic counseling, development of new treatments and research will create a path toward the ultimate goal: finding the cure. Partnering with my brother, we created Women of Wonder to directly fight breast cancer through charity and spread greater awareness with 10,000 unique NFTs. 10% of all NFT sales support the Morgan Pressel Foundation to help fight breast cancer. 100% of sales from cancer treatment NFTs (no hair) go to the Morgan Pressel Foundation. Join the fight with your NFT purchase and make a difference in the world!

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