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Wasted Koalas

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

The Wasted Koalas are a collection of1,220 absurd, wasted koalas.Sometimesthey aresoberbut most of the time they like to have adrinkorsmoke.We will gradually push sneak-peaks at oursocial mediachannels and finally release them to the world of theOpenSea NFTmarketplace on theEthereum blockchain.Be aware! There are some Wasted Koalas with rare character traits, keep an eye out.Sincewe all love Koalaswe should fight to keep them with us, not only in the Metaverse! Right now Koalas are progressively losing their habitat due deforestation and bush fires caused by the ongoing climate changefacing extinction as early as 2050. Thereforewe strive for the conservationof the Koala and its habitat. To contribute to this we are donating a percentage of the mint revenue, as alsoall gained royalties of 5% to collectively chosen foundations fighting for the preservation of the Koala.Sale price: 0.075 ETH.

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