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Toilet Goblins Launch

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

Inherent rebels,Toilet Goblinsare the outcasts and underdogs of the NFT world. Tired of dealing with everyone elses sh!t (pun intended), they are ready to start a legitimate, community-based business. A Goblin bond can never be broken, and the Goblin community votes on every decision. Each Goblin business will be built through a community voting system. For each new project (i. e. the Goblin Casino),50%of profits are reinvested back into the community wallet for funding new initiatives. An additional25%of profits are dispersed directly to each Goblin. Toilet Goblins use the latestERC-1155standard for their Smart Contract. All images are1:1and hosted onIPFSusingPinatato ensure integrity. The community will remain capped at5,000Goblins. With hundreds of unique attributes and trillions of combinations, these Goblins are the most unique group in the NFT metaverse.

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