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Teejeez collection

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

What is Teejeez?Like human beings, they are composed by a large number of traits that form their DNA. As such every TJZ are different, and so unique. The Teejeez live on the Ethereum blockchain and will be mintable as NFT. The TJZ collection style is something close to a 16bit pixel art. It was important to us to choose a meaningful aesthetic for the Teejeez universe. To our vision, pixel art is one of the best way to pay tribute to the first programmatically generated images, reminding also all the retro games and art style we grew up with which logically influenced us. The entire Teejeez art direction and creation is made by hand by our main artist InMot. The SquareNobles Golden Token:TJZ is our first project, we want to offer a lifetime advantage to the very few people who will believe in us. As such, the first 1000 minters will receive a SquareNobles Golden Token as an NFT. This golden token will grant you privileges for all our future projects, as well as potential DAO sit if we choose to build one. Like any NFT, every Golden Token holders will be able to trade it or sell it. What is SquareNobles?SquareNobles is an Art collective focused on digital art. While TJZ is our first artistic experiment we’re highly interested in generative arts, video games, interactive experimentations and all arts related to the digital medium. What is planned next?There are two points to discuss while speaking about the next steps. Firstly, we’re willing to take you on the journey with us by opening a voting system for all our future decisions. For example, all the future Golden Token holders (see above) would be eligible to take part in the decision process by choosing which idea we should build next. Secondly, we have a lot of ideas regarding TJZ or other project. Those ideas come from reflection like, what if your TJZ could have a baby? Have a Room? What if they could enter a battle royal prize pool? What if they could have pets that you would be able to fuse to make them evolve? What about forging weapons. . . etc. We can’t say more for the moment, but we hope this gave you a glimpse of things to come for the SquareNobles journey. BECOME PART OF THE TJZ FAMILY! Join our discord!NEVER MISS AN ANNOUNCEMENT AGAIN! Follow TJZ on Twitter!

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