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NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

Located in the stinkiest corner of the metaverse is the SoyVerse.SoyVerse is committed to building an ecosystem around the Soyjack variant popularized by @gainzxbt on Twitter. While the origin of the meme was Gainzy, we are building something that stands out on its own & that will stick around.Our first step is to release the Soy in the SoyVerse.The Soy is currently in its minting phase. Each Soy is randomly generated using 150+ fully hand-drawn traits with different rarities, ranging from Virgin to Chad.We already plan on releasing the Soyette (his wife) – holding both will grant you the ability to mint free Soybies (their children).Here’s the best part: you’ll eventually be able to bring your entire Soy family into the SoyVerse game.Mint a Soy now & secure your place into the SoyVerse!See you around.

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