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Pampered Pugs Mint

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

We are a 345 genesis project with 2 focal points. Charity and a play to earn arcade. Charity is the most important goal for us in this project and we are aiming to donate a total of 1 million USD to various pug and dog charities by the end of 2022. The reason we picked pugs in specific was because of the fact pugs suffer from various genetic and terminal diseases due to human selective breeding and we would like to bring awareness to this fact and help suffering pugs around the world. This money will be produced through royalties, our wave 2 collection and through our future tokenomics in the arcade. For our arcade, we will be developing simple repeatable games that can only be played through our $POTTY token. Our pugs will generate just enough $POTTY to play once a day. The arcade will include rewards. We are yet to decide the best way to award players however we are choosing from a couple of options such as redeeming a number of “tickets for specific rewards, having rewards for the players on top of the leaderboards or having evenly distributed rewards according to score. Our arcade will begin development post our first mint and will be complete within a week of our wave 2 launch. We will be providing a beta and demos pre-wave 2 launch and possibly a way to play without rewards pre-wave 2. We will be semi- doxxed through a registered company in the UAE by the name of Quarter to 4 Labs. We are currently in the process of procuring a trade license for this company. Our aims and goals for this project are long-term and our aim is to create a strong community around these pugs and to raise awareness for the many pugs suffering worldwide.

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