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NFT Collection

Blockchain: secret

Project Overview

The AssetMantle Mainnet launch will bring InterchainNFTs to Cosmos.ORBICS are launching as Asset Mantle Genesis collection. Unique 1 of 1 audiovisual NFT devices of 1024 capacity are capable of transporting in time around Cosmoverse. ◦ ORBICS Inspired by ancient civilisations, got their traits mixed in the teleporting process producing unique combinations of visual components music and transaction data.Unique transactions from selected Cosmos IBC chains are used as time travel engine. These provide fuel to the movement and impact the size of particles bubbling inside the ORBICS.Each trait is brought from time travel across the IBC ecosystem, scanned and rendered in Unreal Engine for the ultra high-quality look and feel.Sound features traditional instruments from ancient civilisations on Planet Earth including cutting edge sound synthesis techniques used on the far side of the universe.Roadmap / short term◦ Create AR application showcasing ORBICs IRL bringing semi metaverse experiences.◦ Create events, mini games and utilities in Metaverse like Decentraland once Mantle / Eth bridge is in place.◦ Reward ORBICs holders with physical and digital airdrops.

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