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Meta Kong Society

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

The Origin of MKSKongs are the closest relatives of humans; we share 98% of our DNA. They are known for the size of their families but especially for the synergy existing between them.To survive, they are co-dependent; they know that the relationships they build will allow them to learn and grow together.Kongs work collectively to achieve greater territories and increase their power. The similarities between kongs and successful people are striking.High-profile people who succeed in business understand that cooperation is essential.Therefore, they know the importance of having trustworthy partners in order to harvest the maximum benefit from their efforts.That’s exactly what MKS offers: connecting you with other high-profile business people in a sustainable way, helping you create new opportunities to grow together.We are about to explore together this new, exciting and incredibly promising universe: the Metaverse.Coming soon Public Mint…

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