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House of Marcial by Carlos Marcial

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

A Mexico City-based crypto artist, Carlos Marcial is releasing a new collection of artworks, The House of Marcial, on the 18th of March on Nifty Gateway. Carlos has been creating art for 8 years already with the goal in mind “to elevate 3D created digital art to the category of fine art; worthy of art books, galleries, and museums”. Carlos discovered Bitcoin in 2012 and immediately became one of its proponents. It’s obvious that he couldn’t pass by NFT. Carlo’s artworks are usually on the topic of cryptocurrency and spark stimulating thoughts. Let’s support a post-post-modern digital artist on the 18th of March!video width=720 height=720 mp4=https://nftcalendar. io/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/House-of-Marcial-by-Carlos-Marcial. mp4/video

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