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Gibbons Of Greatness Origins

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Polygon

Project Overview

The Gibbons of Greatness Origins (GO-GO) is the worlds first NFT Jigsaw Puzzle Club.I will be adding value to each GOGO NFT by printing and minting a one-a-kind Jigsaw puzzle of your NFT. I will also be including all of my previous art from the last fifteen years in PDF form and all of the books I have created in that time. I want to share my doodle love, the many years of hard work and products I have created.The more each NFT makes the more I will give to keep adding value to each purchase and investment. I want everyone being creative and successful, and I want to faciliate that any way I can.Initial drop of 30 Series 1 Gibbons of Greatness Origins – GO-GOs will be on 12th March 2022 – My 50th Birthday.The original NFTs are based on my own character The Doodle Monkey showing his appreciation for all the people who have influenced him over his life-time.Drop of Series 110,000 Gibbons of Greatness Inspired – GO-GIs on the same date.The 10,000 Inspired NFTs will be generated using the hashlips art engine using all of the hundreds of layers from each of the origins. Each will be completely unique and have rare properties. Some super rare.Why should you invest, collect or trade my Gibbons of Greatness Origins Art?The GOGOs are the first NFT collection to be minted and printed in the form of a one thousand piece, full colour jigsaw puzzle. Every single GOGO NFT bought from the first mint, that reaches the floor price of 0.01, will receive one of only one hundred individual puzzles to be printed, signed, doodled and delivered along with a special edition hardback colouring book of my latest art. Each special edition puzzle will have an illustration of your NFT GOGO character surrounded by other characters in the collection. Only one hundred of these books will ever be printed. You will also receive a link to PDFs of every book I have ever created. Just send me your contact details after you purchase.As the NFT is proof of ownership of the unique puzzle, if sell your NFT you must send the puzzle to the new owner. This is what will keep the GOGO Puzzle club exciting for everyone involved. It will build a connection between each purchaser/investor. Each NFT purchaser has the responsibiity to keep the GOGO Puzzle Club connected and thriving. Each original illustration has taken between five and twelve hours to create. Each original illustration has been researched and drawn by my fair hand on my ipad using procreate.If I reach 25% sales on either the GOGO’s or the GOGI’s I will give an iPad Pro, Procreate and an Apple Pencil to one lucky collector to help them on their creative path. I will also, do a live session to show you how to create your own NFT Collection.And on a personal note, if you invest in my GOGO NFT collection you will be helping me accomplish a childhood dream of having my characters and art loved by an appreciative collective of wonderful people, like you. And yes, I am being charming and lovely in the hope that you get a sense of how much this means to me.As a holder of a GOGO you will have a vote in who I create for each future NFT. I want this collection to grow with your help. I have committed so many years to this and it’s time to share it with you.I really do want you to join me in this new exciting journey I am on.Let us collect, invest and trade my ‘GOGOs’ together.

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