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NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

ETHERFURNACE the first Blast Furnace on the BLOCKCHAIN!!Mint a Blaster to yield ETHERIRON $EIT daily.Burn $EIT to get a Furnace CEO and yield more $EIT daily.Safe $EIT and burn for a Furnace VIP and get bonus from the VIP ETH Pool and other benefits every month.Buy and sell $EIT on UniswapJoin us on Discord and learn more about the ETHERFURNACE and how it benefits all holders.Read our Roadmap to know when Uniswap LP and VIP Pool will startGiveaway on Twitter and Discord until LaunchTotal SupplyBlaster: 5000CEO: 7500VIP: 100Mint Price Blaster:Presale first 1500 Blaster 0.35 ETHPublic Sale 0.5 ETH

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