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DotFaces – Genesis

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

Hi there!I recently started my own collection on OpenSea, and are mainly focused on doing just plain art in it’s purest form. I also wanted to test the waters on the collectibles side, so;I’ve made DotFaces. The idea of these based are on the Rorschachs ink blot test, and is meant to give an look of your inner face so to say. The darker emotions shadowing our everyday lives. I hope and believe these will truly stand out from the mass, and give their owners a sense of true uniqueness. The auction will go live at OpenSea (Polygon) at 3. Sept. 21:00 UTC, and end at 5. Sept 21:00 UTCI hope you take a look, and go follow my newfound artist twitter page for further updates. @PipeMysteriousYours truly,MP

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