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CryptoPunks Toddlers

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Polygon

Project Overview

Have you missed the CryptoPunks collection minting? No worries, they made babies and they will be for sale in the near future!The projectCryptoPunks Toddlers is an exclusive collection of 10. 000 randomly generated pixel toddlers on the Polygon blockchain. The community plays an important role in deciding the roadmap and the future of the project. Whats next?We will launch a massive marketing campaign, multiple giveaways and surprises. At the menu:Rewards for all CryptoPunks Toddlers ownersGiveaways for the community, the holders and the whitelistedDonation to charity20. 000 MATIC giveawayMerchSurprises, a lot of surprisesIs there a whitelist?Yes, The whitelisted have access to exclusive giveaway, presale, private chat, and other benefits!The whitelist is on discord, contact an admin if you meet any of these criteria:CryptoPunks ownersInfluencersSpecial guestsStaff50 first membersMembers with 5 invitesOfficial links- Discord: https://discord. gg/7S9JukqbTs- Twitter: https://twitter. com/CPToddlers- Verified smart contract: https://polygonscan. com/token/0xc346BDab51A47Bdc0E3c4Fd98088eD2e8B0eeb5C- Opensea: https://opensea. io/collection/cryptopunks-toddlers- Website: Soon. . .

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