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Crypto Riffs

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Polygon

Project Overview

Crypto Riffs NFT CollectionCrypto Riffs is a new digital art NFT collection created by Canadian musician Jamie S. Bekyarovich. The Collection features 666 unique randomly generated pieces of pixel art that are combined with a high-quality audio WAV file containing a one-of-a-kind guitar “riff or “lick composed, performed, and recorded by Jamie Bekyarovich himself. All artwork layers were designed personally by Jamie and randomly generated together using Javascript. Furthermore, each NFT comes with an un-lockable Tone File that can be imported into an AxeFx unit giving you the ability to have and use the same guitar tone that was used in your specific NFT. If successful I plan to use the money raised to fund either an EP or Full-Length Album. You can watch videos of me playing guitar on our website and on our discord server. Our Discord server has some cool music chat channels. You can come to share your own music, talk about gear, share your NFT projects, and enjoy other cool Guitar/NFT related stuff!

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