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Château Noir by Thomas Dubois

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

On May 12th, award-winning artist and art director Thomas Dubois will drop his ‘Château Noir’ NFT collection on Crypto. com. Since early childhood, Thomas has been interested in arts and storytelling. He followed the creative path and it led him to recognition through award-winning projects and scenarios. ‘Château Noir’ NFT drop is a reinterpretation of the Sleeping Beauty tale. Thomas Dubois presents it as seen through the prism of our time. The artist is deeply convinced that the earliest stories are echoing the challenges of our time where digital is king. “Château Noir highlights the courage of a woman. Her willingness to face challenges, to face solitude, to face the obstacles as well as her internal demons to answer a question that we can all ask ourselves: Who lies hidden deep within us?” The upcoming drop will feature 3 animations that will go on sale in the form of NFT. Can’t wait to see the interpretation of the good old story!

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