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BillionaireMe NFT=

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

BillionaireMe Members Club is the most exclusive and luxurious private club on the Blockchain. We are a thriving community of 10,000 ultra-wealthy individuals: the elite 1% of the Metaverse. Our society brings together ultra high net-worth individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds and jet-set locations worldwide who are united by two things: our drive to succeed and our determination to enjoy the best things in life. Not only have we built the #1 most luxurious space in the virtual world, but also we have created a real-life community of successful individuals through our mentorship programme and our extensive calendar of Members-only private events at the most exclusive venues in over 30 jet-set locations. Making us the first-ever integrated on and off-line high-end Private Members club. Hence, we are your point of access and connection to other members of the elite worldwide, your opportunity to interact with fellow real-life millionaires and billionaires, and your opportunity to gain access to mentorship and long lasting connections to the worlds elite. We have brought the luxurious lifestyle of world-class Billionaires into the Metaverse and close to our Members. We are your opportunity to access the most exclusive and luxurious environment and community on the Metaverse and have a Billionaire avatar that portrays the best version of yourself on your virtual reality interactions. why BILLIONAIRE ME?BillionaireMe NFT Members Club is a disruptive concept in the NFT sector because we offer further utility to our community than an exclusive hand-drawn piece of art. Every BillionaireMe NFT gives holders access to a dividend-paying share package of the BillionaireMe Corporation, making our NFT a source of passive income. Moreover, we are providing every holder with a check of 1 Billion BIMEs upon ICO, the crypto currency that the corporation is launching, therefore making every Member automatically a billionaire. Hence, our project has a strong emphasis on providing passive income to our Members through monthly dividend payments coming from our secondary market royalties, real estate portfolio cash flows and proceeds from the BIME Crypto currency. Additionally, we believe part of our competitive advantage relies on the fact that our founders have been part of the real-life elite circles for years, and are looking to recreate the reality and experience of the ultra-wealthy on the Metaverse through this community, making this project a catalyzer to build the reality of the 1% on the Blockchain and Metaverse. In order to disrupt the industry and become pioneers in the technology, we are working on launching a Metaverse project where the BillionaireMe NFTs can be used as the Members Billionaire avatars and where the most successful individuals come together in the virtual reality. We are creating the space for the top 1% in the Metaverse. Furthermore, even if we are looking into virtual reality, we do have a strong focus on our real-life community and human interactions, and are creating the perfect blend between an NFT and Private Members Club that hosts high-end members-only events in jet set locations worldwide and acts as a facilitator of networking within likeminded successful individuals. Hence, every one of our NFTs doubles as a membership for the most exclusive Members Club on the blockchain. Moreover, given that our goal is to bring the billionaire experience to our Members and provide access to the elite, we are hosting giveaways and transfers of tangible luxury items such as high-end watches and clothing or luxury cars as opposed to NFT giveaways and ETH airdrops that most other projects are opting for. We want to guide or Members, provide mentorship, bring access to current millionaires and billionaires and create a thriving community of successful people who come together to elevate their mindset and enjoy the finest things in life.

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