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Betta Battlers Club Launch

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

The premiere launch to our newest #1 Metaverse Fighting Fish Arena, the BETTA BATTLERS CLUB. Up to 10,080 individual fighting fish to collect, own and trade with the community. Mint at only 0.05 ETH at launch. Hurry reserve your spots to the whitelist and giveaway with one or all of the methods below :1. Follow, Like, Retweet and Tag 3 Friends To Our Official Twitter Account2. Join our official Discord server and interact in the giveaway channels.3. Follow our subreddit, upvote, share and drop your ETH wallet address.We have only a limited pre-launch 100 slots for the whitelist and 10 free NFT giveaway prior to launch. Save the date now to your calendar and profit!

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