Share Project

Battle bacon

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Polygon

Project Overview

A Private Collection of 1000 Delicious Bacon living in PolygonPROJECT FOR INVESTORS PROFIT Each Tier will have different prices to make sure Investor’s Profit & Floor. Prices:1-200 =0.005 Prices201-400 =0.008 Prices401-600 =0.01 Prices601-950= 0.05951-1000: Marketing.Roadmap17/01/2022: Start creating NFT models20/01/2022: Looking for a Charity to destiny % sales15/02/2022: Set Up social medias and WP-OWNERS Benefits20/03/2022: Finish creating 888 NFT’s models21/03/2022: Create collection Landing page on Opensea01/04/2022: Start Marketing and giveaways social media, Discord02/11/2022: NFT BACON Start Minting on openseaBATTLE BACON Season 1 is SOLD OUT and 10% has been send to charity.START SEASON 2 Holders will have 1 FREE NFTThis is not CRYPTO PUNKS or Boring Apes this is a delicious bacon will explode your minds

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