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Annie’s Bookshop

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Ethereum

Project Overview

Annie’s Bookshop is the world’s first generative, readable NFT book collection featuring generative NFT books written by 5 talented writers across the horror, sci-fi, romance, crime, and post-apocalyptic genres. No less than 1,984 books will be minted in each genre, resulting in a total of 9,920 unique generative NFT books for you to add to your collection!The contract algorithm’s generative layers use an endless range of title building blocks and sentences by fantastic writers to ensure each book is inspiring to read and totally unique to be cherished for the rest of time.Secure your one-of-a-kind book and become a part of NFT history with us at Annie’s Bookshop. Together, let’s celebrate the power of stories, and welcome talented writers to the NFT space…

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