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ANMLNFT’s Series 1

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Polygon

Project Overview

Anmlland anmlnft’s series 1Welcome to the world of anmlland!An animal based nft game that rewards holders in the $anmlz token. This token can then be used to buy more nft’s, anmlland merchandise or be sold on quickswap.Designed to provide a consistent source of funding for animal rescue and preservation charities. 10% of nft’s will be donated to charities across the world.Partner charities include:- the herpitologie conservation fund- rescates de animales mexicanos- charity applications accepted at email protectedIco happening now via matic smart contractAll nft’s are purchased in $anmlz and the only way to purchase the nft’s is to purchase the token through the ico which is happening now atAnmlland.Com/buy.Anmlz tokenEvery day 14400 anmlz are minted.11520 $anmlz (80%) will be distributed to anmlnft pool during the launch period until the nft staking protocol is completed.2880 $anmlz (20%) will be retained by anmlland to facilitate continued marketing activities and for development expenses of future modules.Anmlnft poolRewards calculated at:11520 / # of holders = individual nft rewardsNo reward scaling based on rarity!You earn more by buying more nft’sMax: 20 per walletThis staking protocol will complete the nft pool protocol.Anmlland defiEarn 12% apy on your earned anmlz tokens by staking them in the anmlland defi module.Minimum deposit: 100 anmlzLock period: 22 daysEarly withdraw penalty: 2%Anmlland mrkt (in development)Sell your anml nft’s for anmlz tokens to help the community prosperity through the promoted usage of the community token.Anmlland zoo (in development)The nft management platform that will let you interact with the anmlland ecosystem and display your nft’s and zoo stats in an interactive dashboard.Whitelist conditionsCome join us for the launch of anmlland, the $anmlz token and the anmlnftsPurchasing the anmlz token acts as your whitelist spot as only enough tokens to purchase nft’s will be minted in the pre-launch period.Win cryptoDuring the pre-launch period we will be running a social sharing contest where the top 10 contestants will be airdropped enough anmlz tokens to purchase an nft.

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