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Angry Arabs

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Polygon

Project Overview

Angry ArabsA collection of 1000 unique Angry Arabs living in the desert of the blockchain.Few of the first homo sapiens to voyager around the blockchain in the first-ever hoovering space yacht; listening to drums and watching meta belly dancers.No need to be scared of them though!! They are just upset it’s hot!!Road Map20% Sold:10 T-shirts giveaways.40% Sold:Contribution to charity.50% Sold:$5k cash giveaway.60% Sold:5 Angry Arabs giveaway.80% Sold:Launching Angry Arabs Wives.100% Sold:5 Random owners to get a full-paid staycation in the UAE.Follow us on our social mediaInstagramTwitter*Announcements and updates will be on Instagram and Twitter.

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