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666 Serials

NFT Collection

Blockchain: Solana

Project Overview

An NFT based alternate reality game (ARG) with extremely low supply and a doxxed team.THE MINT- total supply: 666- minting date: 25th of February- whitelisted only- price: 1 SOLA WL contest for 500 WL spots and 2x 0.5 Solana IS LIVE on Discord!A few words from our CEO and CCO:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-ShuRuv7Vc&ab_channel=666SerialsABOUT THE PROJECTWe have generated 666 killers, which you will be able to mint as NFTs and your character will become your avatar. All players play the same game, but each character has a complete life story. These stories are as unique to each killer as the NFT graphics.Current NFT holders receive a clue in their wallet each week and, as part of one story, they have to solve puzzles by following the clues. At the end of each of the 5 episodes, the fastest player wins a serial killer. The story of these new serial killers will be supplemented in the archive with the overarching storyline of the game, in this way they will become more unique than the other serial killers. The player who finishes episode 5, the last episode, fastest will have the serial killer with the most unique story, making them the main character of the season. As the season ends, every player who solved at least one episode’s puzzles (even if among the last) and has at least one serial killer in their wallet will receive a victim as a companion NFT. You can unlock perks that give you advantages against other players by leveling up in our discord server.The first 2 seasons are already planned out from start to finish.TLDRIn keeping with the usual NFT jargon, you could say that NFTs give you access to a private community, a game, and provide you with airdrops, but youll have to work a bit for that.LINKSWebsite: https://666serials.xyz/Discord: https://discord.gg/6MTCM7MkQQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/666SerialsYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyXrxSFTnGigT9kdFz8k2yg

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